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Oktober 2022:
Neuer Präsident gewählt und Tagungsort 2025 bekannt gegeben
John Perfect (Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA) wurde im Rahmen der 21. ISHAM-Tagung vom 20.-24.9.2022 in New Delhi zum neuen Präsidenten gewählt. Die Wahl für den nächsten Tagungsort der International Society for Human and Animal Mycology 2025 fiel auf Brasilien.
April 2022:
Aufruf zur Unterstützung der ISHAM
Sehr geehrte Mitglieder der DMykG e.V.,
liebe Mykologinnen und Mykologen,
die letzten beiden Jahre waren eine Herausforderung auch für alle in der Mykologie Tätigen. Unter der notwendigen Fokussierung auf COVID und die Pandemie mussten viele Projekte und insbesondere der persönliche und wissenschaftliche Austausch in unserem Fachgebiet immer wieder zurückstehen.
Mit der hoffentlich weiter voranschreitenden Normalisierung der Situation muss es unser Ziel sein, unser Fachgebiet weiter zu entwickeln und unsere Aktivitäten im Rahmen der Fachgesellschaften, in denen wir uns als Interessensgemeinschaft organisieren, wieder in vollem Umfang aufzunehmen.
In diesem Zusammenhang möchte Sie der Vorstand der DMykG auf die wichtige Bedeutung unserer internationalen Muttergesellschaft ISHAM hinweisen und um Ihre aktive Unterstützung und Beteiligung an ihren Aktivitäten werben.
Die ISHAM ist eine internationale Gesellschaft, die alle im Bereich der Medizinischen Mykologie, der klinischen Forschung und der Grundlagenforschung Tätige mit einem Interesse an pilzlichen Erkrankungen vertreten möchte. Ihr übergeordnetes Ziel ist es, Praxis und Forschung von allen Aspekten der medizinischen und veterinärmedizinischen Mykologie zu fördern und zu erleichtern mit Fokus auf einer Unterstützung junger Mykologen und Mykologen in Schwellenländern. Die ISHAM wurde im Jahr 1954 gegründet und ist zu einer Gesellschaft von über 900 Mitgliedern gewachsen. Es bestehen Affiliationen zu insgesamt 34 mykologischen Fachgesellschaften, und die ISHAM ist ein offizieller nicht-staatlicher Partner der WHO.
Falls Sie es noch nicht sind, möchten wir Sie hiermit einladen, Mitglied der ISHAM zu werden und sich in die Aktivitäten der Gesellschaft einzubringen – weitere Informationen hierzu und zu den mit einer Mitgliedschaft verbundenen Vorteilen und zu den Arbeitsgruppen der ISHAM finden Sie unter https://isham.org/membership und https://isham.org/working-groups.
Darüber hinaus möchten wir Sie auf den ISHAM Kongress in New Delhi vom 20. bis 24. September 2022 hinweisen. Das vorläufige Programm, Abstract-Einreichung und Kongressanmeldung sind unter https://www.isham2022.org/zugänglich. ISHAM Mitglieder erhalten eine Ermäßigung der Anmeldegebühren.
Nomination for ISHAM-Lucille-Georg awards and Y-ISHAM (travel) awards
The Council is seeking nominations for two ISHAM-Lucille-Georg awards and two Y-ISHAM (travel) awards. The deadline for receiving nominations is 31 May 2022.
Lucille-Georg award
Two Lucille-Georg awards for life-time achievement may be awarded each to
- a basic mycology scientist
- a clinical mycologist
These awards are considered recognitions for life-time achievement for established mycologists
A special committee considers the nominations and recommends the potential recipients to the ISHAM council.
ISHAM Investigator travel award for Young ISHAM members (one in basic mycology and one in clinical mycology)
The prize consists of a certificate of recognition, an ISHAM congress 2022 registration and an ISHAM travel award to attend the ISHAM Congress.
Please send nominations to the ISHAM Office: ISHAM@congresscare.com
Juli 2020:
Sehr geehrte Mitglieder*innen der DMykG e.V.,
die ISHAM hat uns darüber in Kenntnis gesetzt, dass ihr früherer Präsident – Frank C. Odds – verstorben ist. Er war international einer der bedeutendsten und wegweisenden Mykologen und vielen von Ihnen bekannt.
Today ISHAM received the sad news that Frank Odds, a former president of ISHAM, passed away on Monday 6th at the age of 75. Frank was a wonderful colleague and mentor, an inspiring scientist and a great friend to an uncountable number of people in our community. He wrote the defining text on Candida and was a major authority on fungal pathogenesis and antifungal drugs (having led Janssen’s antifungal drug discovery programme for 10 years). In no small measure he helped establish the reputation of the Aberdeen Fungal Group as a pre-eminent presence in medical mycology and was an integral part of the foundations upon which the current University of Exeter MRC-CMM was formed. He was a concert level pianist and he played the piano for the singsong at the BSMM annual meeting that was an integral part of the traditions of this society. During his career he acted as President of the BSMM, as well as of ISHAM and the ECMM.
We lost a wonderful personality and our fellow colleague.
On behalf of the ISHAM council,
ISHAM office
November 2019:
ISHAM Newsletter
Only for ISHAM members!!
- ISHAM is providing travel grants to attend the FEBS advanced practical course “State-of-the-art alternative infection models to study molecular mechanisms of human fungal infections” which will be held on February 16 – 22, 2020, in Jena, Germany. Further information on the course website.
- ISHAM is providing registration support for Young ISHAM members to Mycology 2020 in London (13th – 14th March). Further information can be found here
Mycology news
Commencing in 2016, the MSGERC biennial meeting „Clinical Mycology Today“ takes place every 2 years (even years) in the United States. Experts from around the globe who specialize in fungus and mycoses gather for 3 full days of plenary talks that fall into 4 broad categories: candidiasis, invasive aspergillosis, endemic mycoses, and cryptococcosis. These sessions are followed by facilitated panel and audience interactive discussions to identify current issues, gaps, and potential clinical research topics. The 2020 meeting is held on September 22-25, 2020 at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Information on registration, call for abstracts can be found at msgerc.org. .
Prof Oliver Cornely has launched his YouTube channel “ID in Motion” . Please take a look at tinyurl.com/y3978gga.
ISHAM eLearning Course!
Updated link to the ISHAM elarning Course! We apologise for the inconvenience.
ISHAM has just launched an eLearning course on ‘Diagnostic Medical Mycology’. The main goal of the course is to provide a comprehensive resource for people to learn about diagnostic medical mycology via an online learning platform. At the end of the course, participants should have a good understanding of the range of diagnostic techniques that are currently available, the relative advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods and how the methods can be used in different patient populations and different diseases.
The course consists of 12 modules and includes an overview of fungal diseases and antifungals, the fungal kingdom and an introduction to diagnostic techniques. Each of the diagnostic methods is then covered in detail in individual modules which include identification of yeasts and moulds; direct microscopy, culture and histopathology; antigen detection; antibody detection; molecular diagnosis, antifungal susceptibility testing and approaches to diagnosis in different patient populations. Participants who pass the final course exam will receive a certificate from ISHAM recognising their participation in the course.
The course is aimed at anyone with an interest in diagnostic medical mycology who would like to deepen their understanding of the area. With extensive reading lists and bibliographies, textbooks recommendations and a fully linked glossary, the course is ideal for those with limited experience in mycology as well as those who have some experience in this area.
Whilst the course cannot replace hands on practical experience, it will hopefully stimulate interest in diagnostic medical mycology and encourage participants to learn more about the area.
Further information can be found by logging into the ISHAM website and going to the Members Area, where you can find out how to access the discount code. If you are an ISHAM member you can register for the course at a substantially discounted price: non-members will pay CHF 75, but ISHAM members only pay CHF15! If you aren’t a member of ISHAM, why not think of joining now? You can also access the course directly at https://isham.scholarlms.com/ where you will need to create an account and pay the full fee of CHF75 to participate.
Mycology Courses and Conferences (2019)
17th INFOCUS – 1st ISHAM Latin America Congress will be held in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, November 14-16 2019. Information can be found in the conference website .
APSMM 2019 will be held from Friday 22 November to Sunday 24 November 2019 in Guangzhou, China, and the theme of APSMM 2019 is “The Hotspot of Fungal Infection in Asia Pacific Region” (more detail at website http://www.apsmm2019.org . )
The theme of APSMM 2019 is “The Hotspot of Fungal Infection in Asia Pacific Region”. There are 40 countries in Asia Pacific, which having diverse nature and economy, as well as local characteristics in medical mycology. This congress will provide the latest research and developments in the hotspot of medical mycology including fundamental research, drug discovery case presentation, clinical diagnosis and treatment, and application of advanced technology etc.
VII Congreso de Enfermedades Endemoepidémicas (Hospital de Infecciosas Francisco J. Muñiz) will be held from 13 -15 November 2019 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Further Information can be found in the Conference website.
Mycology Courses and Conferences (2020)
A course on practical identification of medical fungi will be organized at the Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 13-17 January 2020. The relevant fungi will be shown, and brief introductions will be provided into molecular diagnostics and Maldi-tof. Fungal classification will be explained in detail, with both theoretical and practical sessions. A special session will be devoted to susceptibility testing. The course will be didactic in such a way that no special mycological background is required. For information and registration, click here
SIHAM 2020 will be held in Jodhpur, India from 12 – 15 February 2020. India has the largest burden of fungal diseases in the world looking at its diverse climate and overwhelming population. The incidence of fungal infections is increasing at an alarming rate, presenting an enormous challenge to the healthcare professionals. To overcome the neglect and to make visible changes in morbidity and mortality due to these infections, awareness building and development of competent diagnostic mycology laboratories are the need of the hour. These can be accomplished by holding symposia and workshops regularly at different intervals. SIHAM conference, a premiere event in the field of Medical and Veterinary Mycology in India, brings together expert mycologists and infection control specialists from various institutions. The program will include keynote lectures, interactive panel discussions and a wide range of symposia from distinguished international and national speakers. Together, this conference will offer a spectacle which will enhance our concepts for dealing with fungal infections in day-to-day practice and thus improve patient outcome. Further information can be found here.
9th Advances against Aspergillosis and Mucormycosis will be held in Lugano, Switzerland from 27th – 29th of February. The final program is available on the conference website. Abstract deadline is mid november. If you want to apply for a travel grant your application deadline will be the 31st of October.
Mycology 2020: 13th-14th March 2020 – We are excited to announce Mycology 2020 is open for registration. This year Fungal Update and the BSMM have teamed up to host this joint conference on 13th and 14th of March at the QE2 Conference Centre in London. Come to hear about cutting edge research and optimal patient care from experts from all over the globe including Professor Arunaloke Chakrabarti, Professor Johan Maertens, Dr Julianne Kus and many more.
Abstract submission is open. Accepted abstracts will be published in Frontiers in Microbiology. Find out more and register here: mycology2020.co.uk
Please help share social media messages and consider retweeting @FungalUpdate, @BSMM_junior and @PageMedical using the #mycology2020. For more details and to register please go to www.mycology2020.co.uk.
29th ECCMID 2020 will be held in Paris (13th – 16th of April). Abstract submission deadline is on the 27th of November. Please, visit the official website.
Register for ISHAM Asia 2020: May 7–9, 2020, Bangkok. ISHAM invites all members and mycology colleagues to the ISHAM Asia 2020 Congress on May 7-9, 2020, in Bangkok, Thailand. ISHAM Asia 2020, co-organized by ISHAM and its Asia Fungal Working Group, is the seminal medical mycology event Asia Pacific has been waiting for: an assembly of world-leading experts from 18 countries; state-of-the-art updates put into Asia-Pacific context; and an international arena to showcase your research. There will be ample opportunities to interact with highly reputed clinicians and medical mycologists. ISHAM and Young ISHAM members can enjoy special discounted registration rates. Register before January 31, 2020, and you will get an extra US$50 early bird discount! Become a member now or make sure your membership is current before registering.
Exclusive for our Young ISHAM members: There are 50 scholarships of US$300 each, open to Young ISHAM members attending and presenting abstracts at ISHAM Asia 2020. Simply quote your membership number when you register and submit your abstract. The scientific committee will select 50 Young ISHAM members with outstanding abstracts to win the scholarship, to be awarded at the congress. Visit ISHAMAsia.com to find out more and to register!
11th international conference of Cryptococcus and Cryptococcosis will be held in Kampala from the 1st to the 5th of June 2020. Scholarship applicants MUST submit an abstract by November 1, 2019 to be considered for a scholarship. Scholarship awards will be determined in part by the quality of the abstract submitted. All other abstracts are due on February 1, 2020. Further information can be found here.
The IMEMA International Meeting on Endemic Mycoses of the Americas will be held from 11-13 June 2020 in Santiago del Estero, Argentina. This meeting is co-organised by the Asociación Argentina de Microbiología & Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia and will cover Epidemiology and Ecology, Diagnostics, Treatment, Host-pathogen interaction, Vaccine, Clinical Aspects, Omics. Web under preparation
The Innate Immunity and Host Pathogen Interactions EMBO Symposium will be held from 28 June – 1 July 2020, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. This symposium provides a discussion platform for all scientists interested in the biology of infection. Cell biologists, microbiologists and immunologists will discuss in joint sessions recent progress in our understanding of host-pathogen interactions. Talks will focus on common processes, rather than particular infectious agents or host cell types, and the strategies of all major types of pathogens in their interaction with plants and animals will be covered.
Supporting Material
A new totally renovated, colorful version of the Atlas of Clinical Fungi, the world’s most famous handbook on fungi of medical and veterinary relevance, is now available online. The website has several comfortable search options in the database, using names, diseases or any other parameter as key words. Information can be found on http://www.clinicalfungi.org/.
microfungi.net is a microscopy training course in 4 key modules, approved by the Royal College of Pathologosts CPD/CME credits Royal Society of Pathologists for CPD and CME credits.The course is designed to teach the identification of fungal infection by direct (wet) microscopy and by histology in a full range of tissue specimens. All of the modules are illustrated with many images and are supplemented with quizzes, tests and slide presentations. Successful completion of each module (apart from Module 1, which is an introductory module) will allow the student to download a certificate accredited by the University of Manchester. Access to the course will also provide the user with a continuous reference source. The course is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
ISHAM funding opportunities
Carlyn Halde Fund provides a limited number of memberships for one or two years when circumstances make it difficult for applicants to afford the membership fee. Information can be found in the ISHAM website.
If you are a YISHAM member, check the funding opportunities in the members area in our website. You could be eligible for:
- Dr Ira F Salkin Memorial Award: Applications are being accepted for the 2019 Ira F. Salkin award, which is given to a member of YISHAM who has published a first author paper in Medical Mycology. The award includes a cash prize among other things. We encourage applications for the year 2019 with the closing date for applications being January 31, 2020. Applications should be sent to the Editor in Chief of Medical Mycology, Karl V. Clemons, PhD (clemons@cimr.org). Please see the ISHAM website for additional information.
- The Young ISHAM (YISHAM) Training Fellowship. The Fellowship will allow recipients to travel to centres to learn specific techniques and to develop their expertise in medical mycology. Applicants are likely to be MSc, PhD or early post-doctoral workers and, as well are learning specific techniques, it is hoped the Fellowships will stimulate collaborations between groups and institutions.
News from Medical Mycology
Medical Mycology’s Fungal Disease Awareness Collection includes the article “Antifungal drugs: What brings the future?” Read all 10 articles in the collection, which is focused on preventing and treating fungal infections. The articles are freely available for a limited time.
From the Medical Mycology archives
The research published in Medical Mycology spans continents and even reaches outer space. Read an article from the archive that studied samples from astronauts.
ISHAM NEWS im Überblick:
Center of Excellence in Essen – Mykologie mit Auszeichnung
Mit höchster Auszeichnung (Diamond) wurde das Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene am Universitätsklinikum Essen von der European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) zum Center of Excellence in Clinical and Laboratory Mycology and Clinical Studies ernannt.
Nach externer Begutachtung durch internationale Experten wurde dem Essener Institut herausragende Qualität in mykologischer labormedizinischer und klinischer Krankenversorgung, Forschung und Lehre durch die European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) zuerkannt.
Damit ist das Essener Institut eines von sechs Zentren weltweit, die diese Auszeichnung tragen. Professor Peter-Michael Rath und Professor Jörg Steinmann haben mit ihrem Team alle Voraussetzungen für ein Excellence Center erfüllt und im vergangenen Herbst das Prüfverfahren der ECMM „bestanden“. Institutsleiter Professor Jan Buer sieht die mykologische Tradition und Expertise am Standort Essen damit erneut bestätigt.
Im Rahmen eines Symposiums am 8. Februar 2019 mit zahlreichen Gratulanten, würdigten Vertreter des Universitätsklinikums, der Stadt Essen, der ISHAM*, ECMM* und DMykG* diese besondere Auszeichnung.
Dr. Rainer Kundt, (Foto 2) Ärztlicher Leiter des Gesundheitsamtes Essen, bezeichnete Essen als Gesundheitsstadt. Neben dem Universitätsklinikum sind in der Ruhrgebietsmetropole zahlreiche spezialisierte Kliniken und Institute mit internationaler Reputation ansässig. Kundt sieht in dieser Auszeichnung einen wichtigen Meilenstein in der Bedeutung Essens als innovativen Standort für Gesundheit und Medizin.
Als Vertreter der ECMM und ISHAM betonte Professor Jaques F. Meis, Nijmwegen, den Stellenwert dieser etablierter Excellence Centren. Damit könne eine multidisziplinäre Expertise in der Mykologie erzielt, diagnostische Standards auf höchstem Niveau auch für klinische Studien festgelegt und die Gesundheitsentwicklung auf nationaler unter internationaler Ebene maßgeblich unterstützt werden.
Mit einer Laudatio fand Professor Dieter Buchheidt besonders anerkennende Wort für die Essener Mykologen und dankte für die außerordentlich gute und kollegiale Zusammenarbeit.
Essen und die Mykologie
Die Medizinische Mykologie in Essen kann auf eine lange Geschichte zurückblicken. Darauf ging Professor Peter-Michael Rath in seinem Vortrag besonders ein. 1961 wurde hier beispielsweise die Deutschsprachige Mykologische Gesellschaft e.V. gegründet. Anfänglich mehr dermatologisch geprägt, hat sich – bedingt durch die Zunahme immunsupprimierter Patienten – in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten der Schwerpunkt vermehrt hin zu opportunistischen Erregern systemischer Infektionen verschoben. Die Medizinische Mikrobiologie und damit auch die Mykologie hat sich gleichzeitig zu einem klinisch orientierten Fach verändert. Relevante Verbesserungen in der Diagnostik, beispielsweise durch die Etablierung von Antigen-Nachweisen und molekularbiologischen Methoden zum Erregernachweis, gingen in Essen einher mit dem Auf- und Ausbau der klinischen Beratung durch den Antiinfektiva-Beratungsservice. Neue Entwicklungen auf Erregerseite – zu nennen sind hier die Resistenzentwicklung bei Hefen und Schimmelpilzen, die Zunahme an Infektionen durch Mukormyzeten und Krankenhaus-Ausbrüche wie mit Candida auris – unterstreichen die zukünftige Bedeutung der Medizinischen Mykologie in Krankenversorgung, Forschung und Lehre.
1991 feierte die DMykG e.v. in Essen ihr 30. Gründungsjubiläum im damaligen Saalbau, 2011 fand das 50. Jubiläum in der Zeche Zollverein statt. 2016 tagte die 50. MYK ebenfalls in Essen im traditionsreichen Haus der Technik im Zentrum der Stadt.
Mit dieser langjährigen und stetigen Entwicklung findet heute in Essen moderne Mykologie auf höchstem Niveau statt. Dazu bot das das Symposium mit dem Schwerpunktthemen Candida auris (Jaques Meis), Azol-Resistenz bei Aspergillus-Arten (Jörg Steinmann) und der klinischen Mykologie in der Pädiatrie (Thomas Lehrnbecher) einen aktuellen Einblick.
*ISHAM – Internationale Society of Human and Animal Mycology
*ECMM – European Confederation of Medical Mycology
*DMykG – Deutschsprachige Mykologische Gesellschaft e.V.