3. Preis im Fotowettbewerb 2022: Catch me if you can“

03_Catch me, if you can (1) Titel

3. Preis (Euro 250) im Fotowettbewerb 2022 gewann Thomas Orasch für sein Foto „Catch me, if you can“ –

A macrophage cell attaching to Aspergillus fumigatus hyphae by forming actin filaments. Maximum intensity projection image of  z-stacks achieved with CLSM.


  • green = actin (immunofluorescence);
  • red = vimentin (immunofluorescence);
  • blue (in the cell) = nucleus (dapi);
  • blue (hyphae) = cell wall (calcofluor white)

03_Catch me, if you can (1)

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