ECMM EC Symposium in Cologne October 10, 2017 – Save the date!

Bildschirmfoto 2017-07-31 um 09.10.48

ECMM Certification of the University Hospital of Cologne as Excellence Center (EC)

Prophylaxis, diagnosis and therapy of fungal infections are of high social and individual relevance. Invasive fungal infections are life-threatening and require rapid treatment. They occur particularly in immunocompromised patients, often with fatal outcome. Until today, for most fungal diseases, no standard treatments are available. On October 10, 2017, the confederating organization of 24 European National Medical Mycology Societies (ECMM) will award the University Hospital of Cologne (UKK) with the highest degree of excellence for Medical Mycology.

This honors the University Hospital of Cologne as one of the few sites worldwide that combines clinical and microbiological mycology with targeted research and commits itself to maintain the highest quality in diagnosis, therapy and treatment pathways as a center of excellence.

On the occasion of awarding the degree of excellence, a symposium will discuss current topics and developments in the context of clinical mycology, highlight international networking and interdisciplinary collaboration facilitating successful diagnosis and treatment and introduce the University Hospital of Cologne as a center of excellence in fungal infections.

Lectures are mostly held in German language. The participation is without charge.

Application and further information:

For further information please contact:
Susann Bloßfeld CECAD – Cluster of Excellence | Universität zu Köln
Klinik I für Innere Medizin | Universitätsklinikum Köln
Kerpener Straße 62 | 50937 Köln

Tel: +49 221 478 85523
Fax: +49 221 478 1435276
E-Mail: susann.blossfeld[at]

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