Früherer ISHAM-Präsident Frank C. Odds verstorben

Frank C. Odds †

Frank C. Odds † (Foto: ghw)

Sehr geehrte Mitglieder*innen der DMykG e.V.,

die ISHAM hat uns darüber in Kenntnis gesetzt, dass ihr früherer Präsident – Frank C. Odds – verstorben ist. Er war international einer der bedeutendsten und wegweisenden Mykologen und vielen von Ihnen bekannt.

Today ISHAM received the sad news that Frank Odds, a former president of ISHAM, passed away on Monday 6th at the age of 75. Frank was a wonderful colleague and mentor, an inspiring scientist and a great friend to an uncountable number of people in our community. He wrote the defining text on Candida and was a major authority on fungal pathogenesis and antifungal drugs (having led Janssen’s antifungal drug discovery programme for 10 years). In no small measure he helped establish the reputation of the Aberdeen Fungal Group as a pre-eminent presence in medical mycology and was an integral part of the foundations upon which the current University of Exeter MRC-CMM was formed. He was a concert level pianist and he played the piano for the singsong at the BSMM annual meeting that was an integral part of the traditions of this society. During his career he acted as President of the BSMM, as well as of ISHAM and the ECMM.
We lost a wonderful personality and our fellow colleague.

On behalf of the ISHAM council,

ISHAM office

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