FungiResearch – Network accelerates development of antifungal compounds


Invasive fungal infections are on the rise: Over 300 million people are affected and 25 million patients are at imminent risk of severe organ damage or death due to fungal infection. Therefore it is highly necessary to improve international cooperation for successful research und therapy. One important step to an improvement of the current situation was the recent founding of the research network FungiResearch.

FungiResearch is a network of experts, research groups and hospitals specializing in the treatment of invasive fungal infections. The Network accelerates clinical development of antifungal compounds making use of profound expertise of its members and access to a peculiar pool of patients with unmet medical needs.

Initiator Prof. Oliver A. Cornely, M.D., University Hospital of Cologne, explains the objectives of FungiResearch: „FungiResearch was established to develop new therapies for rare fungal infections. All invasive fungal infections fulfil the definitions of orphan diseases. A priority of FungiResearch is to accelerate market authorization of antifungal compounds. The keys for realization are networking and an exchange in joint projects. Fungi Research addresses academic researchers as well as partners in the pharmaceutical industry.“

The founders are experienced clinical trialists placed in large University Hospitals who face the challenges of treating patients with invasive fungal infections every day. All founders are directly involved in the patient care of immunocompromised hosts. The network is steadily growing and open for new members.

Looking back on years of common clinical research activities the members of FungiResearch can offer highly efficient study management to academic researchers and industry. A successful international collaboration in antifungal research has led to the approval of the antifungal agent isavuconazole for mucormycosis, a severe orphan disease, by FDA & EMA in October 2015. Since then, this network of experts has evolved into a systematic research alliance for the future development of antifungal agents.

For further information please contact:

Prof. Oliver A. Cornely MD FECMM
Scientific Director

Clinical Trials Centre Cologne / ZKS Köln
Gleueler Strasse 269
D – 50935 Köln
Fon +49-221-478-88120
Fax +49-221-478-7983
E-Mail oliver.cornely(at)

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