Dear colleagues,
For all those who want to simply explain the current COVID-19 situation to their children, we’d like to share this amazing YouTube video of medical student Juliane Wurm on our “Infectious Diseases in Motion” channel. Juliane shows in easy sketches, why nowadays everyone is talking about the corona virus, how the virus spreads and what every child can do to help.
We hope you and your kids enjoy watching!
With best regards,
Oliver Cornely
Innere Medizin – Infektiologie – Hämatologie – Internistische Onkologie
Lehrstuhl Translationale Forschung | CECAD Cluster of Excellence | University of Cologne
Klinische Infektiologie | Klinik I für Innere Medizin | Uniklinik Köln
ECMM Diamond Excellence Center |
Akademische Leitung | Zentrum für Klinische Studien | Uniklinik Köln
Kerpener Str. 62 | 50937 Köln
Tel. +49 221 478 85523 | Fax +49 221 478 1421 445 | Mobil +49 172 2442 726 | @CornelyOliver