MYK 2020 is going digital!

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Dear colleagues,

Last week we had to inform you, that due to the recommendations and guidelines of the state of Bavaria our MYK 2020 cannot take place in the way you have come to know and enjoy. I am very grateful to the DMykG Board and the Steering Committee of the Collaborative Research Center FungiNet who – after this difficult decision – have helped to discuss ideas on alternative options.

Today, I am happy to inform you that we decided to try a new format to enable the important scientific exchange in our field with all of you. For the first time, we will hold the MYK 2020 as a digital meeting!

What are the advantages?
– Time period remains
– Excellent programme, top-class national and international speakers
– Virtual room change and availability anytime and anywhere
– Presentations are available on-demand with a time delay
– Availability of scientific content beyond the meeting period
– Live discussions, chatting and other interactions
– Sustainable industrial presentation
– Exchange with colleagues in the lounge area
– CME certification
– No travel and accommodation costs
– Reduced registration fee

Detailed information on registration, log-in data, presentation submission, technical requirements etc. will be provided by Conventus soon. If you have already registered or are invited as a speaker, you will be contacted by Conventus shortly for further steps. As usual, we will keep you updated on and via newsletter.

Be a part of this new digital meeting format and support the special efforts of our society to ensure the success of our MYK 2020.

We look forward to welcoming you to this year’s special meeting!

Best regards and please stay healthy,
Prof. Oliver Kurzai, M.D.
Conference Chair Myk 2020

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