New video “Transdiaphragmatic Mucormycosis”

Transdiaphragmatic Mucormycosis

Dear valued colleagues,

The Cologne ECMM Excellence Center has released a new video “Transdiaphragmatic Mucormycosis” on our “ID in Motion” YouTube channel.
You can also follow @CornelyOliver via Twitter, where new videos will be announced every 2 weeks.
You can access the article here.

Thank you all in advance.

Best regards

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. O.A. Cornely, FECMM
Innere Medizin – Infektiologie – Hämatologie – Internistische Onkologie
Lehrstuhl Translationale Forschung | CECAD Cluster of Excellence | University of Cologne
Klinische Infektiologie | Klinik I für Innere Medizin | Uniklinik Köln
ECMM Diamond Excellence Center |
Akademische Leitung | Zentrum für Klinische Studien | Uniklinik Köln
Kerpener Str. 62 | 50937 Köln
Tel. +49 221 478 85523 | Fax +49 221 478 1421 445 | Mobil +49 172 2442 726 | @CornelyOliver

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