
An die Mitglieder der Deutschsprachigen Mykologischen Gesellschaft e.V.

Sehr geehrte Mitglieder der Deutschsprachigen Mykologischen Gesellschaft,
liebe Mykologinnen und Mykologen,

unsere Homepage ist in die Jahre gekommen und benötigt nun dringend eine Restaurierung. Bis zur Fertigstellung sind die Inhalte nur eingeschränkt zugänglich. Wir bemühen uns sehr darum, Ihnen das gewohnte Informationsspektrum mit allen Bereichen schnellstmöglich wieder zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Und nun wünschen wir Ihnen eine sommerlichsonnige erholsame Urlaubs- und Ferienzeit und freuen uns schon jetzt darauf, Sie im September zur MYK (16.-19.9.2015) in Jena begrüßen zu dürfen.

Der Vorstand der DMykG e.V.


49. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der DMykG e.V. vom 16.-19.9.2015 in Jena

Die Jahrestagung der DMykG wird gemeinsam mit dem Internationalen Symposium des CRC/TransregioFungiNet vom 16. bis 19. September in Jena stattfinden. Das wissenschaftliche Programm mit allen Informationen zur Anmeldung, Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten etc. steht zur Verfügung unter

Fotowettbewerb – Fotos können ab sofort eingereicht werden.
Alle Infos dazu finden Sie auch unter

Wir empfehlen baldmögliche Anmeldung! Verpassen Sie diese MYK bitte nicht –
es erwartet Sie viel Neues und Interessantes!

EINLADUNG – Post-graduate course ‘Paediatric Mycology’
 Paediatric Mycology’ is organized by the EPMyN and supported by the ESPID, ECCM and EFISG.This course will be held following the Trends in Medical Mycology, the bi-annual joined meeting of the ECMM and the EORTC Infectious Diseases Group.The course will take place on October 12-13, 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal.You will find the program attached as well as instructions how to register for this course.
Information about the course and online registration forms can be found on the following webpages:http://www.timm2015.org

EINLADUNG – Fungal Cell Wall 2015
 We are delighted to announce the Fungal Cell Wall 2015 meeting to be held on the campus of the Institut Pasteur in Paris from 26-28 October, 2015. This meeting will gather the leaders in fungal cell wall biology, immunology, and antifungal mechanisms to exchange new ideas and forge new collaborations.Previously, there have been several successful but separate fungal cell wall meetings (including Ascona, 2001, Salamanca, 2003, Heidelberg, 2006, Biarritz 2007,and Giens 2011), each with different focus: model fungi, plant pathogens human pathogens, and even the plant cell wall. This meeting will gather, for the first time, the entire cell wall community. For this Fungal Cell Wall 2015 meeting, we are merging in order to generate a more comprehensive conference that will cover all aspects related to the fungal cell wall, from fundamental to applied research.A unique and prominent feature of fungi is that they are surrounded by a cell wall. All exchanges between a fungal cell and its environment rely upon a functional and permeable cell wall. The cell wall is continuously in contact with the host and acts as a sieve and a reservoir for effector molecules such as antigens and enzymes that play an active role during infection. The cell wall is therefore essential for fungal growth, as well as for resisting environmental stresses such as phagocytic killing.Cell wall biosynthetic enzymes represent unique drug targets. In the last 10 years, major discoveries in cell wall biology were achieved in an amazing diversity of disciplines, including biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, genetics, immunology and host defense interactions, and biophysics. These breakthroughs are contributing to a better understanding of the cell wall and its role in fungal infections in human and plants.

Call for abstract
Authors are invited to submit an abstract in English to be considered for an oral or poster presentation at the conference. The deadline for submission of abstracts is July 1st, 2015.

You can register for the conference through our secure site.
Please visit the conference website:

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