NEWSLETTER | MYK2020: Verlängerung der Abstract Deadline bis 31. Mai 2020


54th Scientific Conference of the German speaking Mycological Society (DMykG) e. V. and 3rd International Symposium of the CRC/Transregio FungiNet

16–19 September 2020  |  Würzburg/DE

Dear friends and colleagues,

I am reaching out to you with regards to our planned MYK2020 in Würzburg. Under normal circumstances, we would now close the abstract submission to finalize the programme planning.

These are difficult times to plan a meeting and at this stage nobody can safely predict whether we will be able to hold the conference as planned.
But we still remain optimistic that the MYK2020 will take place.

Despite the optimism, we have decided to change the usual procedure in the preparation of the meeting:

The abstract submission will be kept open until May 31st.

More over we evaluate all abstracts submitted so far to give feedback to the authors on acceptance and poster or oral presentation.

The early bird registration is now scheduled to be open until June 30th.

We will keep you updated with any new developments to come and will continue to reat in what we feel is best for all of us as a community interested in fungal pathogens and the diseases they cause.

Thanks to all of you, stay healthy and see you soon,

Axel Brakhage
Speaker FungiNet

Dieter Buchheidt
President DMykG

Oliver Kurzai
Conference Chair

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